Tuesday, March 15, 2005


I don’t know why people feel the desire to leave ‘home’. I left Yellowknife over 2 years ago. I traded in a world of comfort and security, service and infrastructure, proper medical and dental care, and the warmth and love of family and friends. I won’t forget to mention familiarity, as I have been yearning for this very thing for sometime. Of course, I miss my family and cherished friends but I am mostly missing the familiarity of my life before Fiji.
Why we left? Well, it was not for financial gain, we knew this ahead of time. It was not “to get away” as both Gerry and I love Yellowknife. It was not even to “broaden our horizons” since I had the pleasure of an airline career for over 11 years and managed to see a few corners of Gods’ green earth. (We won’t get into the airline career vs. a ‘layoff’ career…as they are actually one in the same, another time I will tell that story)

It was mostly for our children, to teach them that they could be adventurous, even if they are old and tired and had 3 kids. You aren’t too old to branch out and try something new and wonderful. It was a leap of Faith that shows me some things I already knew (but obviously need the reminder) the whole “Lily of the Valley”, and not to worry thing. I am constantly reminded how God cares for those “Lilys” most everyday. It was to teach/show our boys to listen for opportunity when it knocks, pray about it and then trust in the Holy Spirit to lead you in the right direction. It was to find that I really am a Mom. It was to experience an adventure with my husband. Gerry might differ on some of the reasons why but the basic essence of this was for our kids. On this we agree.

We now sit here, some time later and still wonder all the ‘whys’ of this move but it came up and we paid attention to it, prayed about it then left. Fairly simple in truth. Not so easily done when push came to shove and then to the u-haul. We don’t feel like we left YK properly. Not even sure how you can leave a place you love properly but at times we think about people we never got to say goodbye to. There were a lot. In a way, it seemed like a kind of death. A death of life as we knew it and that is what we mourned for a time. But the new life was born and with it a whole new entity. This life we have born here in Fiji has now blossomed into a real child that will be due in October of this year. A new adventure, a new journey, another reason to think of the Lily of the Valley.


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