Thursday, March 10, 2005

Big Whoop, a Prince.

This afternoon, the Man, himself, Prince Charles dropped by for a 2 day visit. Not to my house mind you but to Fiji. We got to see him off the place and took a few off-in-the-distant pics of him. The boys, I think were expecting 'Alladin', not Prince Charles. (you know, the flying carpet, not the 737, the jewels and the crown, not a rattan fedora...) The modern day Prince I s'pose and the boys basicallt said "BIG WHOOP Mom"
Both towns of Nadi and Lautoka were parked on the side of the road to witness him deplane, as it was, all you could really see was his plane land, the Police band play, and a man in a dark suit with a hat. Occassionally the man would wave his hat and the crowd would cheer! I guess that was Prince Charles. It was more exciting when Brittany Spears came through and Mel Gibson, although, they can't draw the crowds that a Prince can. All very exiting for this little would-be nation!
So, that's today in Fiji. A few cyclones in the area, not in the neighbourhood though. I know we would all welcome an end to this heaviness we are getting in our air. So, just be done with it. Come in, blow out the heavy air, and begone with you. Ms Cyclone, if you could blow in some Northen Hemisphere air too, that would be nice. Thankyou.


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