Monday, March 07, 2005


I don't know if you have red ants where you are but there is a reason why they are also called "Fire ants" They are brutal. Anyway, They are always showing up underneath a big pile of Doogy poo. Why would any creature choose to hide out under that? We have a big dog. A big black German Shephard dog named Tiger. He makes big poops, so you can imagine the ant nests that we trod upon. We wear barefeet most days and dodging these kind of landmines can become a matter of life and death (well, almost) The biggest problem is that I lent out my shovel ages ago and haven't been able to scoop any of Tigers' problems up. I know, do not a borrower or a lender be...but, I have a dog, this is Fiji, everything breaks. Or you can't get it. I need my shovel back this is the moral of the story, to not lend your shovel if you have a big dog or red ants. Or both.
gotta roll.


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