Thursday, July 28, 2005

At 3:30 this a.m. Gerry had to call a taxi for a young man who was fearing for his life from another man. Apparently they were at a local hotel together and things went sour from there. Who knows, one can read alot into a situation like that. It's just that the amount of times we have had our sleep interrupted by some sort of crime or prevention is no longer countable.

Tonight, the Holland gang and friends show up for an overnight stay with us. There are 7 of them in total. We had such a wonderful visit last time and really look forward to seeing them again. Alec and Elias have (of their own accord) started to call them their 'sisters' ! After they leave tomorrow, we will be catching up with them in a month or so to wait out the impending torture.... I mean birth, of our child.

Gerry hasn't been enjoying the work side of things these days. Dealing with the Civil aviation authority here is truely a superhuman feat. These people in CAAFI don't need to make sense, they just throw out ideas that Gerry, as Chief Pilot has to make stick. Post this one on your bulletin board. Gerry flies an Otter and a Beaver on floats. They had to do a training coarse on emergency procedures with the CAAFI guy. CAAFI guy says, 'quick, what do you do when your first officer, or Captain dies mid-flight?' (Uh, dude, this is a one pilot aircraft) and then ' How do you handle the situation when you lose one of your engines during flight?' (uh, dude, this is a one engine aircraft) and the number one winner..... ' what sort of evacuation procedures should you adhere to when forced to land on water?' (DUDE, these are float planes....) Gerry had to memo and post all relevant answers and now they have porocedures for all these 'out of ordinary' circumstances.

Well, free time is over, both boys awake. Made strawberry yogurt and they are dying for a bowl.

the knee is still in pain fyi.


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