Sunday, June 12, 2005

Happy Birthday Alec!

My little one is 5 this day.
He wakes up a little bit earlier than usual and sneaks into our room and whispers. "Mum, I just can't help it, I'm SO excited about my birthday!"
Then he crawls in with us and takes a deep breath, relaxes and snuggles. Kisses my growing abdominals and says "good morning baby" and then runs to answer the phone. His Gramma Gwen has called to say I love you and wish him a happy birthday. We all have a quick visit and then Alec and Elias are off to play with the "new" playdough. (homemade but it's a new colour. Orange, a really big hit!)

Cheerios, (or rather the South Pac equivalent to them) coffee for Mom and Dad, a freezy pop for nutritional balance for the kids and now we are cleaning up the house and yard as it's rained too much to have Alecs party outdoor near Gerrys hangar (think airplanes and little kids, oohs, ahhs) So, we will be infiltrated by 18 kids and their families.
yes, 18 kids and their families.
can you say ooh? ahh? Are they crazy?
could be.
Will let you know tomorrow.


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