Sunday, May 22, 2005

2pm Fijian time.

We have no water. Not the biggest of deals really, it happens regularly, at least this time we had some warning to stock up.
Too bad Alec and his tummy bug weren't aware of the lack of water and he has spent the last 2 days vomitting all over the place. He always apologizes for throwing up in my bed, or his, or the car, or the driveway, or all over the bathroom floor. Believe it or not, he mostly hits the toilet but he is just really sick. His biggest concern right now is that God won't give him his powers back. You see he is a robot that has been born from God (his words) and he's so worried that this sickness means that God is taking away his robotness and his powers. What's a robot boy to do? He won't take medicine (little tough guy - must have some northern blood in him)

So, we have bad smelling laundry stacking up and the water is off for 10 hours. They shut it off on Saturday and turn it back on Monday. This algebra they do here doesn't jive with mine. 3 days equals 10 hours. Have you heard of Mexican time? Well, you've never experienced Fijian time until you are waiting for a 10 hour job to be done in 72. And that's quick! A few weeks ago an aquaintance of mine was told that the police would come by to investigate their break-in at 2pm. (yes, plenty of break-ins)
I guess that 2pm time is a code, for 'NEV-AH'


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