Monday, June 13, 2005

day after the five year mark.

All is well after 20 children and parents over here for Alecs 5th birthday. It was a lot of fun for us all. Seriously, it was fun, even for the Mom and Dad. Alec was in his glory with his best buds showing up and his best girl too. Apparently I made too many cakes and bought too much ice cream. I will have to go to playgroup for the next millennia in order to get through some of the treats I had made. Fortunately, we have playgroup twice a week and lots of children to feed. So, hopefully I can get some room back in my freeser soon. This keyboard has never been the same since Eli spilled his cordial drink on it. I think I’ve lost my ‘letter that comes after ‘”Y. I would type it but it doesnt work!

Alec is so happy to be my little helper these days. Its like he has waited his whole life to be five! Everyday I get frustrated by my boys but it is more than balanced out by their hugs and kisses and I love yous. I just wish I could capture the precious nature of Alec and Elias and when they are grown men, re-live those captured moments. I have found the only way to capture these little men is to get into their lives. I figured out that just watching them doesn’t really involve me in their moments, Im just on the sidelines that way. I want to be in those memories too. Getting up into that old fort takes some effort (we wont even talk about the Mango tree-house) at six months and getting down is twice the effort but the grins on my boys face and their comments of being "so proud of you Mommy" make every effort worthwhile.

I have gotten out of the sidelines, at least more often and with my bula boys.


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