Sunday, October 17, 2004

Leaping lizards!

So last night, a baby gecko hatched on my shoulder,(sortof fell from it's egg and landed) stayed for a nanosecond and was then 'quantum-leaped' off my shoulder to the bathroom vanity. (I couldn't help it, they freak me out when they land on me!) That's where he lost his tail, still squirming and vibrating (as if I'd fall for that (again!)) while he scooted off in the opposite direction. Well, the little one didn't last for long in the bathroom as I finally trapped him (panic sets in when you can't find the appropriate type of capture thingy) With the casette tape case firmly in hand, I scooped him up and walked him swiftly to the back door where I taught him about the tv show, Mork and Mindy, "fly be free" Geckkos don't fly, they just kinda land with a suctiony sound. Well, baby geckko is off trapping flies and growing a new tail as we speak. I enter rooms a little louder now, and with more speed.


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