Monday, August 29, 2005

homeward bound

At the end of this week I will be on my way to Chilliwack. I leave Nadi at 2250hrs on Sep 2 and arrive Vancouver 1725hrs on Sep 2. Talk about ground hog day. I think the boys and myself will need a few days of adjustments. I never was fond of jet-lag. Paricularly with 2 little boys in tow.

We are looking forward to 'being in the homeland' well, I am, Alec has a vague recollection about Canada and "Is snow really real Mommy?" but Elias was only 8 weeks old (when we arrived here) and is much more Fijian than he looks. I'm hoping to enrol Alec in school for the time we are in Chilliwack. He's actually excited about new friends and teaching them some Fijian things like "kesakesa" meaning "lobster" and various other things he's learned in school here. Both boys are anticipating a lot of time with their 'sisters' (actually cousins) but these older supermodel-type of cousins are more sisters than cousins so that's how they are thought of. Jasmin is still the biggest of all. Jasmin can do ALL and EVERYTHING. She's still better than you mommy.... type of morale boosting thing for me!

I just can't wait to feel like I'm in an insulated environment. Difficult to explain what that actually means but I guess a feeling of security and safety for me and the boys. I know we will also be itching to get back here as the rythmn of life here is very relaxed and at times, tranquil.

but first, I have to get through the flight and transfer in Honolulu without losing my marbles.

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Farewell to Gary.

Tonight we will say goodbye to Gary. 2 months ago, his wife, Giselle left, to care for her parents in Winnipeg. Boy, did we feel her departure. Garys departure tonight will leave us feeling as empty as Giselles’ did. It’s difficult to put into words the separation we/I feel at being so far away from all that is familiar. Even now, almost 3 years later it’s still apparent that we are not completely comfortable in this land. We are happy and familiar with the shops and shortcuts but we had found some people, like us, Canadians, same line of work, same situation and it was comfortable to be in their presence. Now they go. We do have other friends but none that make us feel like home. We wish them well, and look on the positive side that we may just cross paths with them back here to cover off Gerrys holidays while in Canada.
Moce Gary. Moce Giselle.