Sunday, April 25, 2004

This day for lunch we had Kraft Dinner!!!
What a feast we had! Ketchup and the whole nine yards. We got the KD straight from Zambia. Bill ad Wendy Ulrich on their way home (the long wayy) from their mission in Zambia. They are in New Zealand now, on their way to Australia before heading home to Canada. It's the first family visitor I've had here. It's been a long time since seeing them last as well, I think 10 years. We had such a great time and found many similarities between their life there (Zambia) and our life here (Fiji) Many things cannot be explained, only experienced...Kinda like faith.

I digress..we were talking about the many delicious tastes of KD....I like it best with Ketchup and have made sure my sons do too, now sometimes it can be gourmet KD and you can add celery and ground beef. AND Ketchup....lots of Ketchup. smile.

Well, the regular Church programming isn;t on today for some reason. A retarded show about a dog that has lived in the past, and dresses "shakespearean" on a reguler basis. just plain weird.
Over and out.

Saturday, April 24, 2004

Too early to check the newspaper yet. Basically the same headlines. Flooding and Funerals.
In our house, tummy "bugs" (from all the flood waters) time to start boiling water again....lots of diapers to wash...(everytime I hang the diapers to dry I say, " I could have saved so much time if I had just gone with disposables!" not to mention the smell!!)

Day off for Gerry. He's always at the resorts for work and doesn't really want to go to the beach or resorts for his days off, most of the time, or go kayaking or snorkelling...we'll probably just stick aroungd the house unless he sees how crazy his family is going....

Sounds like the neighbours have their music going, at least it's after 0600hrs....ahhh paradise!

Wednesday, April 21, 2004

In the news these days.

Flooding devastates many villages. People struggle to regain their lives. Some lives even lost.

A very well loved, past President of Fiji and fighter for the people of the Pacific has passed away. 1.4 millon set aside for his funeral and the hosting of all the dignitaries and diplomats to his memorial service. Next Friday declared a national holiday in his honour.

Meanwhile, it is still raining.....

On t.v.
A new show, on "Fiji One" The people are excited about it.....
wait for it...."The X Files"
Earlier, M.A.S.H. was on and filling the time slot before it was ...Happy Days.... It's all about America and Apple Pie. We even have "Everwood" No one would watch those show back home these days...At least, I don't think so. So, here I am, making fun of the tv programming and... it is still raining........

We are ok here, it's just raining. Elsewhere, it's a little more serious.
