Friday, April 21, 2006

woe is me

Just rcvd some pics of a bunch of old people. They are me. I am them. My 20th yr high school reunion. O man. been trying to post some pics of me so that they can see me as I am. old as well! but not necessarily any the wiser!

However, Fiji broadband is not much better than fiji dial-up and I cannot upload pics of me or my dead cat. Well, I don;t have pics of it's 'deadness' but I really wanted to introduce you all to Bill Murray. She was the sweetest little puppy. I know, she was actually a kitten but 'puppy' denotes much more soft thoguhts. and she did follow me around like one. Well, Bill Murray, bless her heart, passed away of heart failure, I believe. Twice I recdued her from my EE-VILL dog Tiger (who is as harmless as a kitten, no kidding what a wimp)well, he was mauling it and rolling it into the ground with his 'beak' and poor little Bill Murray had mud caked into her eyes and was almost finished when I happened upon the 'scene'. Tiger got the flip-flop..if I wore boots I would have put the boots to him, however, flip-flops are the shoes of the masses here and so, Tiger got the flip-flop and was banned to his chain. A few days later, I relesed BIll from her asylum in our back porch. She seemed well enuf and no sooner does she get out then my other cat, Denny Crane, (male) tries hopiing on her back and make puppies with her! what loooosers these male animals are.. I mean, give Bill Murray a break! So, I bring her in again..she's too tiny for such nonsense! A day later, I let her get out of the back porch and wouldn't you know it, Tiger is back to shoveing her around with his big FAT beak. Little Bill Murray makes a run for it to hide amongst the ginger and bird-of-paradise flowers and I figure, OK..alls well. I hear, Tiger barking like a LEETLE wee gurl and I go to see the deal and he's once again, mauling little Bill Murray. I chuck the flip flop in HEEZ GENEREEL Diriection (do I sound French?) and he bans himself to his leash. I pick Bill up, heart racing and I thought that if it goes any faster, It wil burst. I rinse her off, mud all over and caked again in her eyes. She seems a little perkier this time and so, I let her down. She walks to the back. 10 minutes later I walk to the backyard where she went and pass by Gerry, hard at work on the boys fort(more like an army buker but whatever) as I'm walking towards our little pool, I see little Bill, asleep in the middle of the walkway. Only Bill MUrray is not sleeping, She's cacked out as if she tippled over mid-stride. I hate that Tiger. dumb. retarded bully. girl barking, beak poking, loser guard dog that is afraid of his own shadow. I didn;t feed Tiger that night and we gave Bill Murray a fitting memorial in our back yard. Made a cross, r.i.p. and spread flowers on her grave. Planted a memorial cactus over top the site and said a prayer. Alec was very sad and commented, "oh, Mummy, this is so sad, it's the first time anyone in our family has ever died." Several days later he wanted to dig her up again'just to see' what she looked like. Gerry tried to explain and then used a anaolgy of a fresh green coconut on the tree and when it falls to the ground, it eventually gets brown and dry and hard. Ghastly to think of but then Alec seems satisfied that he didn;t need to see her, we looked at the few pics we took of her before her passing. Elias got a craving for coconuts for some reason!

That's not even the end. Doofus Tiger tried to dig her up a week later. I'm not so fond of him but I only stopped feeding him for 1 day. loser.

I wil just keep trying to post the pics whenever this abacus let me upload.


At 9:01 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi again from the cool place.
I have the perfect, so called answer to your injection, backpack, no walmart, etc etc problems, oh I forgot aging, you are so-o-o old.
Go to a site called
Its coming to a channel near you. I am actually thinking of spending my Ralph Bucks there and coming for a visit. Whoopee!!
Best to you all,
Grandma Marg

At 5:18 PM , Blogger Kara said...

Gramma Marg! So good to hear from you! Well, it's funny you mention I just happened upon that site yesterday! I don;t know what Ralph bucks are but I'm sure they are worth more than my fijian dollar! A visit from you and Don would be wonderful! Let us know when your flight arrives, we'll have the special Tuckers ice-cream Don likes so much ready to go! xo


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