Thursday, April 13, 2006

a day in the life of my sons backpack

items found in my sons backpack after a day in Grade 1.

a) pencil case (more erasers & sharpeners than colours or pencils)
b) lunch kit - partially eaten (who actually ate it... as my son says he didn't)
c) water bottle - empty (but did he drink it or dump it? or did someone else?)
d) 3 pages of homework for the easter long week-end
e) 6 new wounds (bumps scratches scrapes and cuts)(ok- so that's him, not the pack)
f) 27 misc water bottle and soft drink lids(just litter or who drinks this much?)
g) 13 beer bottle caps (teachers or students? and what's up with that anyway?)
h) 1 dose of Panadol for a headache (well not actually in his backpack but certainly administered to him without my consent, knowledge or post-notification) *and don't even get me onto that subject, 2 injections given, which he didn't need(or want) and we were not notified prior to or after the needles were given **will post more on this later, involves a 'once-upon-a-time' story, 6 nurses to hold him down and some quacking like a duck*

and 1 extremely dirty school uniform....(again, the uniform was on his body, not in his pack;))

another successful day at school?


At 5:59 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

we have our share of interesting school problems here in India but giving injections is going a bit far in my opinion!! that is scary. Thinking of you Ellen

At 3:37 PM , Blogger Bill Ulrich said...

Oh, the old backpack clean out. I remember those days when Trav's backpack (& pockets) had a variety of interesting items: ie spark plugs, stones and shiny beer bottle caps. Bits of whatever caught his attention that day. It was always a mystery to me. These days are similar as Haaken & Liam arrive home with their backpacks. Scrunched up artwork and handouts for their parents to read, a second pair of wet mittens/socks, spilled soup, "yuck, what's this" and partly empty lunch containers...Oh good, leftover snacks for Gramma(grapes)and B.J.(cheese)to share. This past week there was also a long green sheet indicating that your child may have a fever or headache because he just received booster shots for what looked like everything except Yellow Fever. Wow. Only thing was the parents knew ahead of time and could have been there to hold down their child if necessary! No uniform, just dirty clothes. Good luck on training the school on concent forms...

Love, Wendy


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